Free and Cheap Random Acts of Kindness - Part 1.

Random Acts of Kindness You Can Do Right Now!

1.     Visit The Hunger Site and donate food to someone who is hungry.  This is free to do. 

2.  Visit The Breast Cancer Site and donate a portion of a mammogram to a woman in poverty, just by clicking!  You could actually save someone's life.  Think about it!

3.     Visit The Animal Rescue site and donate a bowl of food to a homeless animal in a shelter.

4.     Go to The Veterans Site to donate a meal to someone who has served our country.

5.     Go to The Autism Site to donate free therapy to an autistic child.  While you are there, do some shopping.  Their silicone bracelets are very cute.

6.     The Child Health Site - This is where you can donate health care to a child.  They keep a running total of the number of children who have been helped each day at the bottom of the page that you will see after you click and donate.  On the day I was writing this, 204 children had been helped.

7.     The Literacy Site - Click here to donate books to children!  After you click it will show you how many books have been donated that day.

8.     The Rainforest Site - When you click on this site's give button, you save the rainforest, an amount measured in square feet.  Every little bit helps.  100% of the sponsor's money goes to the rainforest.

9.     Free Rice - Play a vocabulary game, answer a math question or even prep for your SAT test using this site and every correct answer donates 10 grains of rice for a hungry person through the United Nations World Food Program.  You'll need to play quite a while to give them a whole bowlful, but hey, it's fun and kind of addictive. 

Do good while you are shopping!

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