
I have to be honest here, I don't really know what mindfulness is.  I've heard of it.  This article says that mindfulness is as effective as antidepressants for preventing a relapse of depression.  I want to go off of my antidepressant and this may be just what I need.

Here's a little explanation from the article on Forbes.

"Here’s a little about MBCT: the practice marries mindfulness meditation (or mindfulness training) and cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), which are quite related to begin with. With mindfulness, an individual learns to observe his or her own thoughts with curiosity and without judgment, acknowledge them, and then let them go"  

I looked around a little online and found this free mindfulness class.   I don't know if I will try it.  I may also go to a counselor that provides this training as I have good health insurance.  On Psychology Today, they have a Find a Therapist service and you can indicate that you want them to be trained in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction.

Wow, I really think I need this.


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